You can make a mess in any language, yes. But some languages tend to produce more messes than others. If your tool is mis-used more than other tools, at some point, it's not the fault of the users.

I’ve personally had to deal with far more and worse messes in Python, Java and Javascript than I ever did in Clojure. (Started using Clojure ~13 years ago, but have been in jobs that use the other languages I’ve mentioned in that time too, not always exclusively using Clojure, although there were periods where I was).

I have mentioned a few times in the past, on HN and Reddit and elsewhere, that my biggest personal dream language wishlist item is “Clojure but with static types”, however, while that’s something I dream of having, it hasn’t held me or the language back in any meaningful way. The thing that makes Clojure less mess-inducing in my opinion is largely the fact that it’s data is immutable by default. An immutable-Python would be something I’d be interested in trying.

> I have mentioned a few times in the past, on HN and Reddit and elsewhere, that my biggest personal dream language wishlist item is “Clojure but with static types”, however, while that’s something I dream of having, it hasn’t held me or the language back in any meaningful way.

Sadly, Rich Hickey has always been pretty opposed to typing in Clojure. Enforcing values to be not null is basically table stakes for typed systems, and yet he doesn’t seem to think it’s valuable or feasible,

It does make me sad every time I have to deal with macro systems in non Lisp languages (Julia, Scala).

Yeah. By dream of I mean “if I had a on of free time, it’s something I’d love to make because I want it” while knowing it will never happen. I know that Clojure itself will never support it, outside of external projects like Typed Clojure

Are you familiar with Carp [1]?
