> TypeScript's type system is over-complex since it tries to be a superset of JS.

This is exactly why it got so popular, and TypeScript support in the JS ecosystem is so good. It's easy to just strip the TS metadata and you're left with working JS. This is why projects like esbuild managed to ship TS support so quickly (without type-checking). Good luck doing that with a new language.

I for one am "all in" on TypeScript, with all its shortcomings it's just the best of both worlds, and so easy to get on board.

TypeScript's biggest flaw, IMO, is that it can't (or chooses not to- I don't understand anything about JS-adjacent build systems and how they work) understand the difference between "code I write" and "code someone else wrote".

I'm not going to beat the dead horse of how unsound TypeScript's type system is. We all know that most of that is intentional because it would just be too inconvenient to work with existing JavaScript code (Aside: think about what this implies about existing JavaScript code. This makes alarm bells go off in my head).

However, why should I have to deal with an unsound type system in my new, fresh, TypeScript-only code?

I'm not saying it's simple or criticizing anybody's work, but it would VASTLY increase my opinion of TypeScript if I could enable some kind of 'truly-strict-new-code' flag that would error on unsound code in the current project and maybe just warn when I call unsound code from a dependency.

Because, honestly, I'm truly disappointed that the one language that finally has a chance to unseat JavaScript has such a poor type system that it can't even do basic sub-type variance correctly no matter how many flags you set. Out of all of the statically typed languages I've used, TypeScript has helped me the least when it comes to type errors.

Is it even possible for the program to know at compile-time if the types will be violated at run-time? Even if you declare data from other sources 'not mine' this still seems like it would be impossible to do.

You can accomplish it with a library like zod[1]. It's not the prettiest though; first class support would definitely be better.

1 - https://github.com/colinhacks/zod