> Rather than waiting for the client to download a JavaScript bundle and render the page based on its contents, we render the page’s HTML on the server side and attach dynamic hooks on the client side once it’s been downloaded.

The fact that they don't make a reference like, "hey, ya know, how _everything_ worked just a few years ago" tells me they think this is somehow a novel idea they're just discovering.

They then go on to describe a convoluted rendering system with worker processes and IPC... I just don't know what to say. They could have built this in Java, .Net, Go, really any shared memory concurrency runtime and threading, and would not run into any of these issues.

> They could have built this in Java, .Net, Go, really any shared memory concurrency runtime and threading, and would not run into any of these issues.

Right, they'd have brand new issues because they were dealing with shared memory.

Like what? Server-side frameworks have existed for decades. It's not difficult to run, and modern languages make concurrency very easy.

JS doesn't have an advantage here, it's just limited to being single-threaded.

Are you genuinely telling me there are no issues with sharing memory between different threads?

Node.js is 13 years old now. I get that a lot of people think it's some new thing that only dumb frontend programmers who only know JS use, back in my day, grumble grumble. But at this point it's established, mature technology, es6 is an expressive language (much, much more so than Go, C# or Java). The multi process concurrency model is sometimes a pain in the ass and sometimes just want you want.

I've used ASP.NET and node.js in anger, have you? Or do you just attack it because you hate the JS of 2010?

> Node.js is 13 years old now.

> But at this point it's established, mature technology

I have to disagree. Day to day I maintain a variety of node.js, scala and kotlin services. By far, the most gotchas have been from the node.js services.

Simple things like validating incoming payloads are made ridiculously complex. You can get a library to do that, but which do you use? And then most of them don't export the typescript type signature so you don't get any type safety unless you re-define the type in typescript.

Let's say you want a tiered caching library? I've spent weeks of my life debugging concurrency issues because the memory store shared objects whereas the redis store didn't (because they were serialised and sent to redis). That's on the most voted caching library for node.

The quality of node.js libraries in general is far below that of scala/kotlin, and the maintenance cost is way higher. You can't easily tell if signatures for the apis of the libraries you import have changed as well. The ecosystem is still moving very fast, and while I agree that es6+ makes it a much better language, it causes its own issues when interacting with older code/libraries.

Expressive as the language may be, in production systems it leads to poorly understood code because of all the ways to do simple things, and the gotchas associated (something i believe it shares with scala).

> The multi process concurrency model is sometimes a pain in the ass and sometimes just want you want.

Give elixir a serious go and see if you ever say this again. Concurrency should be managed, much like garbage collection has been for 30 years.

Simple things like validating incoming payloads are made ridiculously complex. You can get a library to do that, but which do you use? And then most of them don't export the typescript type signature so you don't get any type safety unless you re-define the type in typescript.

I strongly recommend Zod[0]. You write your schemas in code, it validates incoming JSON at runtime, and you end up with either an error or well typed code. The schemas themselves are powerful (you can check properties of strings, etc), and the derived typescript type comes out for free and looks like a human wrote it. A very powerful tool, with a very intuitive interface.

Give elixir a serious go and see if you ever say this again.

Ah you hit me where it hurts - really need to seriously try the Erlang ecosystem.
