I was just talking about this with a colleague. We really want to join the beta at my company. Would be happy to sign up for the pro plan!

One note though, I want to point out, that I am able to "break" some of the demo components, like changing type="number" doesn't seem to error the form when I input text over it.

In case one of the other maintainers sees this, I have one other question:

Does this in any way use `eval`? I know a lot of JSON schema validators do, and that is a pain when it comes to CSP. If Formkit doesn't use eval (and maybe we can get a commitment on that...) its a no brainer

I didn’t know that a lot of these schema systems use eval. Surprising, why is that?

As far as I can tell, my go-to schema system doesn’t. https://github.com/colinhacks/zod