From the article:

"The new gcloud storage CLI offers significant performance improvements over the existing gsutil ..."

It makes sense to see this comparison because 'gsutil' was relatively poor - we[1] made a decision to deprecate the 'gsutil' binary[2] in our environment in favor of rclone[3] because rclone is better in every way.

We made the same decision for 's3cmd'.

All of that to say:

The biggest question to ask about this is "how does it compare to rclone". I suspect the answer is that authentication and token handling (and things like that) are much better as rclone has a pretty clunky auth workflow for google cloud resources. That is not the case for Amazon resources which behave just as you'd expect them to, with regard to API tokens, and make it hard to justify using any tool other than rclone.


[2] Yes, a binary - we "freeze" python into binary exe because we don't allow interpreters in our environment.


I use s5cmd, it’s a fast parallel s3 cli client:

Haven’t heard of rclone before so can’t compare yet but s5cmd is supposed to work against GCS and other s3 compatible apis.