If you're on OSX and want a good Emacs, go to https://github.com/railwaycat/emacs-mac-port and read the installation instructions under the Homebrew section. It follows the official Emacs repo pretty closely, but has useful OSX additions (smooth scrolling, gesture support [font size e.g] and more).

That git repo claims to be retired.

I get my emacs from here http://emacsformacosx.com

You misunderstand.

The repo you're referring to is Railwaycat's mirror of Yamamoto Mitsuharu's codebase. (which previously was only available via ftp and tarballs.)

Yamamoto has recently migrated to git and hosts a repo at Chiba U, the address is: http://www.math.s.chiba-u.ac.jp/~mituharu/emacs-mac.git

HOWEVER. Railwaycat does still maintain the Homebrew tap and formula for installing Emacs Mac Port

Here: https://github.com/railwaycat/homebrew-emacsmacport

A simple install via:

   brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport
   brew update
   brew install emacs-mac
And you have a far superior Emacs for OSX than that built by emacsformacosx.com.

Once built, you can (without any problems) move the Emacs.app into your /Applications/ folder.

Don't do yourself a disservice, install Emacs Mac Port now.