I'm really happy to see Emacs move faster, and especially the integration of package management since version 25. The old beast is still kicking!
For what it's worth, I've actually been using on macOS the Mituharu branch [1], available in MacPorts as "emacs-mac-app". This version adds the [s]essential[/s] smooth-scrolling feature, and just in general seems to be slightly better integrated into macOS (except that it doesn't define the standard macOS keybindings, which I had to create manually. Ironic)
To install that “emacs-mac” branch of Emacs with the Homebrew package manager, see the instructions on https://github.com/railwaycat/homebrew-emacsmacport. Homebrew’s built-in formula directory doesn’t include that version of Emacs, so that linked repo is a “tap” that defines a formula for it. From the README of that repo, these were the only commands I needed to run:
brew tap railwaycat/emacsmacport
brew cask install emacs-mac