Is anyone aware of a publicly available code base to look into when searching for high quality Qt-based (desktop) applications? Think chromium-quality software quality code base. I am looking for inspiring patterns and also things such as naming schemes as I regularly change my mind when it comes to developing Qt based applications with regard to:
- naming things (e.g. should signals/slots be prefixed (sigFoo() -> onFooBared())
- how to deal with signal functions actually not implemented (clang-tidy warnings)
- how to break up large main window classes in a reasonable manner
and so on. Typically I immerse myself in one of the larger code bases I'm aware of (Android, Firefox, Chromium, Tensorflow, and some others) and regularly discover pretty useful patterns I can make use of. However, I was unlucky to find something for Qt based.qBittorret has always been a bit cutting edge with Qt feature usage, which can be interesting.
not able to comment on code quality.