I just want to personally thank Slava for his exceptional work over the past few years - at every step him and his team have been classy and professional, and brought real creativity and intelligence to the world of databases and startups.

Its clear to me that Rethink is the model for future databases - its just that DBs have a long gestation as no-one wants to risk their data until the code is aged like a fine wine. Its an important longterm technology play - just the kind we need to improve things for all of us.

In two or three years I think they would be making money, I think this is a failure of capitalism or imagination our HN/SV community.

To those several of us who have the power to write a check, please consider doing so, Rethink have been relentlessly building the future [ and you will make money ]

I'm not sure you can chalk this up to a failure of capitalism. Postgres is a tough database to contend with and it's mature and open source. People like to hate on mysql/mariadb, but it also has a massive open source community.

As a company choosing open source technologies, the popularity is important. Otherwise you run into issues finding answers to common problems and you end up paying through the nose for support.

> Postgres is a tough database to contend with and it's mature and open source.

Presumably, that's in part why CockroachDB decided to be more-or-less Postgres-compatible on the wire, and embraced SQL.

You can give TiDB a try. TiDB is a NewSQL database inspired by Google Spanner and F1. It supports the best features of both traditional RDBMS and NoSQL. Check it out here: https://github.com/pingcap/tidb