Is anyone here a dev working in China? Would love to know a bit about what dev culture is like in China, for instance:

What are dev practises like - do people do Agile / Scrum? Is "post-agile" (sorry) scepticism a thing? What about TDD and CI/CD?

How about technologies, do people develop on Linux, are they using git, are american libraries/frameworks big - are people using React etc?

How about things like FP and niche languages - is there much appetite for people experimenting with new tech/languages or are Python/Java the defacto choices for application work and everything else shunned?

Is there a Chinese-equivalent to GitHub - is engineering in China big enough that they can have their own independent OSS culture? (Is companies contributing back to OSS a thing?)

EDIT: to add one last question - are developers seen as feature-factories or is the relationship between product and developers/tech more flat/harmonious than that?

I think there was a conference for Rust in China a month ago or something and it seemed to have ok turnout, but I have no real data on it. Just as a small answer to your "FP and small languages" question.

Rust core dev Brian Anderson joined Pingcap, a Chinese company created TiDB