As an experienced front-end developer I must say that I don't really understand why the complexity of building websites is growing instead of going down. We have build thousands of front-end frameworks and all of them try to solve the same issues that should have been solved by the browsers themselves a long time ago. We implement complex "routers" and "server-side-rendering" to show specific content when the URL in the address matches a specific value, while the entire web architecture was made exactly for this purpose, to show some content when you go to an URL. Tens of years of "evolution" and we just keep making everything slower and more complex for no reason, apart from being bored or wanting to be trendy.

I know all those frameworks exist to solve a specific problem, but while doing so we are creating hundreds of problems that never existed before.

Part of it is that the web platform itself can't evolve as fast as industry would like it to, so in the meantime we pull together/test out new features we'd like to see in JavaScript, until the web can implement them natively. Just look at jQuery: it was a proving ground for fetch(), document.querySelector(), and more. Now it's unnecessary.

Part of it I think is that we're still in a period of growing-pains. The web is transitioning from a document platform to an app platform, and until it fully catches up to that mandate, we have to bridge the gap with layers upon layers of frameworks. I think we're entering the downslope of that process, but it isn't finished.

That said, I do wonder why there isn't so much as a proposal for native HTML templating (the tag doesn't count). This has been industry-standard practice for 5 years now and would benefit immensely from a native implementation. It seems like it's well past time to get that ball rolling.

> I do wonder why there isn't so much as a proposal for native HTML templating

There were XHTML with XLSTs. It was widely rejected, most people didn't even see the point.

We need a little more than that, though. You can accomplish that right now with JS template string literals and innerHTML:

  function myComponent(props) {
    return `
` } ... document.body.innerHTML = myComponent({ name: "Bob" });
The problem is that it always completely obliterates the DOM, instead of changing just the parts that need to change. The browser, of course, has plenty of information with which to do that in C++ instead of requiring the use of something like React. But for some reason it hasn't been implemented.
You may be looking for morphdom, which is a very lightweight version of what you want, but of course browser support for this would be nice.