This is good:
- Python 2 support officially ends somewhere in 2020
- most popular packages are now compatible with Python 3
- Python 3.7 performs about as well as 2.7 with future release expected to be better
Although it still took way too long, if you consider Python 3.0 was released about 10 years ago.
> most popular packages are now compatible with Python 3
I often see this but I think it's a perception from the Internet/web world.
I work for CGI, all (I'm not kidding) our softwares (we have many) are 2.7. You will never see them used "on the web/Internet/forum/network" place but the day-to-day job of millions of peoples in the industry is 2.7.
And we are a tiny focused industry. So I'm sure there is many other industries like us which are 2.7 that you will never heard of.
That's why "most popular" mean nothing once you take how Python is use as a whole. We don't use any of this web/Internet/network "popular" packages.
I'm not saying Python shouldn't move on. I'm just trying to argue against this "most popular packages" while millions of us, even if you don't know it, us none of those.