It's very nice to see all of this consolidation going on in the Typescript ecosystem. For example Babel 7 shipping with direct Typescript support back in August,

I am a Typescript convert myself and would suggest any daily JS developer give it an honest try.

Have you used flow at all in the past? If so what would you say the major differences are/how difficult was any process to convert over? I'm a huge fan of having the types defined just from a documentation perspective nevermind bug catching and debugging and all that. I feel relatively agnostic about the particular thing we use to do it so I'm curious as to what the differences are.

But yeah it really has improved my day to day immensely and I really feel the difference when I'm working in legacy portions of our apps that pre-date the flow adoption.

I have never used Flow beyond a basic hello world. The syntax is very similar. Some of the nomenclatures vary. All and all they will both accomplish 99% of the same thing - statically typing a dynamic language. Which gives you much more code confidence, `foobar is undefined` is very less likely. self-documenting code. (see: vs-code intellisense) And code maintenance scale abilities currently not possible with such a loose language like javascript.

So I would say if you're interested pick one and dive in.

Right now typescript has a lot of community momentum:

And an extremely fast, open sourced, plugin enabled editor, vs-code ftw! I am a convert after being a longtime diehard vim user. (vs-code has the best vim binding emulation I have ever used in a free open sourced editor)

Facebook is deprecating their flow atom editor plugin; nuclide -

This is all why I would choose typescript over flow if it were up to me. maybe a flow user can chime in.