Related idea: Wildcard [0]
It would be cool to have a shared community repository of site adapters, in the spirit of adversarial interoperability [1]. It's probably the most tedious and boring part of such projects, once it's abstracted away it would be much more fun to experiment. This could also be useful for projects like Fraidycat [2] or RSS feed generators like Politepol [3], alternative UIs like Woob [4] etc
A community repository would be super nice for those. Something along the lines of DefinitelyTyped[1], all managed through git, easily integrates with other stuff (like shown on when the @types package exists), allows maintainers to "own" the adapters they contribute by making a PR. It's really the N adapters * T time per adapter that really makes it hard for one person to do. That plus monitoring API changes/flakiness of each adapter to make sure the data is still solid.