My world revolves around Common Lisp (with Python for deep learning), but Clojure is also an important language to me because of both professional use and I wrote a Clojure AI book.
What is the Graalvm + Clojure situation? A quick web search shows some use cases. I find the idea of using high programmer-efficient Lisp languages and then building small and fast native applications to be compelling. That said, LispWorks, SBCL, and Allegro CL are all good for building standalone apps.
- babashka (
- clj-kondo (
- jet (
SCI ( is a Clojure interpreter that allows you to evaluate Clojure code even inside of the final native binary and is used in all of the above projects.
Feel free to bug me with questions in the graalvm channel on Clojurians Slack.