I feel like es modules have killed javascript. They have enough momentum that everything supports them (or needs to support them). But they’re not good enough, or compatible enough to actually integrate well.
Recent example: bundler X insists on import statements including file extensions. But the typescript compiler refuses to let you import foo.js and won’t rewrite an import of foo.ts to foo.js when you build. There’s giant GitHub issues about this but nobody wants to fix it on their end. In short, everything is awful.
Writing javascript in the browser used to be just the same as nodejs, with the exception that you needed a bundler like browserify - which mostly just concatenated everything together. Now I dread setting up new projects. Will typescript work with svelte? Will this webassembly module work with rollupjs? Will it pull in my type definitions correctly? Will the url path system magically work or break? Urgh.
I feel like I’m no longer competent enough to get arbitrary tools working properly together. We need bespoke build systems now because it seems like they’re the only thing that works any more. And that means I can’t throw together a simple server side rendering system like I used to be able to do.
Bryan Cantrill once joked that javascript was the failed state of programming languages. That doesn’t feel like much of a joke any more.
I once set out a simple goal, instead of shipping a production Node package with all the js files and node_modules, just have it all in one js file that can be executed by Node. After trying several compilers and messing with their settings, I ultimately failed exactly because of the different ways to import/export modules. My own code was all esm with .mjs files, but many npm libraries aren't so basically you're stuck.