I feel that. I had a look at compiled languages to replace/complement my usage of python. I wanted something simple (no manual gestion of memory, thanks) and easy to my eyes, but efficient, and if possible fresh but with a thriving community.

I looked at D, Crystal, Nim, Go, Rust, Haxe, Swift and Zig (and C/C++, even Pascal). The language I liked the most (by far) is Nim, but unfortunately the niche community makes it a no-go for using it at my job, and the lack of hype like Rust makes me pessimist about its future.

The second most interesting languages where Rust (but the borrow checker and the amount of ', |, <, > intimidate me) and go (but for a weird reason I'm not hooked by its syntax).

My conclusion was that where I work (not a dev company), I can't use nothing but java, python and javascript if I want my code to be sustainable, and that I will keep Nim or maybe Rust/Go as a low level hobby

Edit: as a funny note, during my exploration i stumbled upon array languages programming languages like K, and I'm convinced there are mainly a scheme to guarantee jobs for people using them

Typescript meets your requirements I believe, althought probably you are considering together with javascript. If not, it might be interesting to try it.

Thanks ! But by compiled I meant compiled to binary, and I guess Typescript don't do it ?

You could use ncc to compile a binary:
