Somewhat tangentially related to the topic of this post: does anyone know any good tech for keeping an image "warm". For instance, I like to spin up separate containers for my tests vs development so they can be "one single process" focused, but it is not always practical (due to system resources on my local dev machine) to just keep my test runner in "watch" mode, so I spin it down and have to spin it back up, and there's always some delay - even when cached. Is there a way to keep this "hot" but not run a process as a result? I generally try to do watch mode for tests, but with webdev I got alot of file watchers running, and this can cause a lot of overhead with my containers (on macOS for what its worth)

Is there anything one can do to help this issue?

You could launch the container itself with sleep. (docker run --entrypoint /bin/sh [image] sleep inf) Then start the dev watch thing with 'docker exec', and when you don't need it anymore you can kill it. (Eg. via htop)

With uwsgi you can control which file to watch. I usually just set it to watch the so when I want to restart it, I just switch to that and save the file.

Similarly you could do this with "entr"