Typically, any high performance (low latency or high throughput) genomics/bioinformatics applicaiton is not going to be written in plain Python, except possibly for prototyping. Instead, nearly all codes today are written in C++ or Java, with some sort of command and control in Python or a DAG-based workflow scheduler.

I don't expect the community will adopt other languages at a large scale. My hope, though, is that more of these algorithms move to real distributed processing systems like Spark, to take advantage of all the great ideas in systems like that. But genomics will continue to trail the leading edge by about 20 years for the foreseeable future.

I recall that the group that created Spark had a bioinformatics project on Spark but I don't know what happened to it. All I could find now is a paper[1] hosted by databricks.


We're here, still plugging along.

ADAM is a genomics analysis platform with specialized file formats built using Apache Avro, Apache Spark, and Apache Parquet. Apache 2 licensed.
