I wonder how many OpenSCAD wrappers now exist? I know of scad-clj [0], openpyscad [1], and solidpython [2].
I particularly like scad-clj, because of `lein auto generate`. It watches source files, and regenerates the OpenSCAD files automatically, which OpenSCAD then also picks up. Although I'm not well versed in Clojure, and find debugging Clojure tricky, the workflow is just so good.
[0] https://github.com/farrellm/scad-clj
inotify() is awesome. Here's a library in python that does it.
There's also inotifywatch on linux and fswatch on mac which makes it stupidly simple to do the same thing in a shell script. I'm sure there's alternatives for BSD Unix and Windows, but I care the least about those OS's.
https://github.com/emcrisostomo/fswatch https://linux.die.net/man/1/inotifywatch