Seems like a list of every web development ideal that gets upvoted on Hacker News.

Still, I think the list can pretty much condensed down to one point:

Use whatever technology is appropriate for this site or web app.

Because a lot of developers seem to have a 'when all you have is a hammer' attitude towards web development. They learn React/Vue/Angular/whatever, then seemingly decide everything they will ever build will use that framework, regardless of whether it's the right tool for the job.

A blog doesn't need to be an SPA. A static business site that never gets updated and doesn't do anything remotely interesting doesn't need to be an SPA. Your documentation doesn't need to be an SPA.

It's like that guy who was recreating CPanel as a WordPress plugin/install. Sure, you could do things that way, but may want to rethink whether this is really the best architecture to build a server control panel in.

I can't count the times I've started to write some basic internal tool with React only to rm -rf everything 1 hour later and replace it with 20 lines of jQuery/vanilla js

I can't count the number of times I had to write a HTML template for a small component with just jQuery and it was horrible every single time. Something like htm+preact [0] would clearly do the job much better and only add 5kB of Javascript to your site instead of leaving an unmaintainable mess.
