I’ve gotten so tired of the near infinite complexity of the angular / react / webpack / typescript / sass projects at work that for my home projects I’m now exploring no build tool solutions. Modern browsers are now so powerful that a lot of the things we needed build tools for no longer apply:

- http/2 multiplexing has made it unnecessary to limit the number of script or css files loaded at once. Faster connections together with http/2 mean payload splitting is no longer necessary for js and css (which means everything can load up front from index.html). Gzipping removes the need for minification.

- Any npm package can be loaded as script tags or through direct es6 module import from unpkg.com. I use a single ‘externals.js’ which exports those dependencies so I can just do “import { foo } from ‘externals.js’”

- sass is mostly unnecessary thanks to widespread css3 support, @import for modularity (see also http/2), bem notation for namespacing, and css variables for reuse

- es6 is supported in all browsers, so you can write modern code. ES6 modules “just work” if you import from a file path.

- vue and preact are designed to be used without build tools. An app deployed as a static site can use hash routing to need no builds and no server-side router.

Experimenting with this stuff has really made me wonder why we use all of these build tools.

> - vue and preact are designed to be used without build tools. An app deployed as a static site can use hash routing to need no builds and no server-side router.

So is React. JSX and React are 2 different things. But honestly, React without JSX is a pain to write.

Minification and hashing for secure script embedding are still needed, but it could provided directly by a server middleware, depending on the language one uses.

IMHO Typescript is still something useful.

Instead of JSX I’ve been using htm, which fulfills roughly the same role but runs entirely in the browser: https://github.com/developit/htm

I find typescript useful for libraries, less so for application code.