There is something distasteful about this announcement but I can’t quite pinpoint it. Maybe it feels like a bait and switch announcing their own fork after the whole qemu commentary, or the wording about the code of conduct. I don’t know.

One of the greatest things about SQLite is how easy it is to embed in random targets/build systems/languages: a .c and .h and you are all set. Moving away from that model will turn off many people away so I hope they retain that model.

The README has "Use Rust for new features" in it, so I doubt it will retain the same simplicity.

As much as I like Rust, and despite mixing Rust and C++ being the clear path forward for Mozilla, I'm not so sure it's the winning approach here. Part of the beauty of SQLite is the single .c/.h thing.

That said, I can see that maybe they're trying to expand the use cases of libsql compared to SQLite. That seems to be the whole idea with adding support for e.g. distributed databases, which is something SQLite just doesn't bother with at all, and would introduce a ton of external interfacing regarding networking. SQLite uses only the standard C library, and even then barely scratches its surface.

Also, SQLite's VFS API can do a lot there already. For example, I remember seeing SQLite compiled to WASM, using a VFS that downloads a remote database on S3 using HTTP Range requests. (I don't think it supported writing to the database, but it was still a really cool way of allowing complex client-side querying of a dataset that is static but too big to transfer).

> Part of the beauty of SQLite is the single .c/.h thing.

Noting that it's not _developed_ that way. Its many files are compounded together by the build process to produce the amalgamation build. In a mixed-language project (Rust for some, C for others) a single-file distribution literally won't be possible and it will require as many toolchains to build as there are languages involved.

I wonder if mrustc [0] would be sufficient to retain the amalgamated build even if Rust were adopted. The regular Rust tool chain would be needed for development still, but if simply depending on the library the Rust components could be transpiled to C…

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