Ad-hoc data formats like JSON and XML are too insecure for the modern world, so I'm developing a new format to remedy this [1].
It's a twin format, one binary and one text, so that you can input / edit the data in text, and then it passes from machine to machine in binary only (or convert back to text if a human needs to inspect it). The binary format is designed for simplicity and speed, and the text format is designed for human readability.
Both formats are designed for security and minimal attack surface, while providing the fundamental data types we use in our daily life (so you're not stuck doing stringification and base64 fields and other such hacks).
I've pretty much completed the base format [2], and am 90% done with the golang reference implementation [3] plus some standard compliance tests, but I could use a lot of help:
- Reviewing the specifications and pointing out issues or anything weird or things that seem wrong or don't make sense.
- Implementations in other languages.
- Ideas for a schema.
- Public outreach, championing online.
The Learn X in Y Minutes:
A related talk by Rich Hickey that I think you'd find interesting:
For a schema, I'd start with what CUE has done. The idea of types that constrain down as a lattice + a separate default path really resonates with me.