Gender-related articles inspire a lot of nasty HN threads, often bringing in politics and pseudoscience.
My opinion is that they’re within the scope of science and curiosity that HN encourages, but I wouldn’t be surprised if people on both sides of gender issues are flagging them because HN just hasn’t been a good forum for that discussion.
I personally have been so disgusted by some of the commentary on gender-related articles that I’ve considered quitting the site, and the only other topic that has made me feel that way is race/eugenics. Neither gender nor race seem to be topics that are tolerated for long here and, while I don’t flag them, I think that might be for the best.
Yep, this is 100% true. Discourse on gender related topics on HN is digusting at best, and gender related articles are prolifically flagged. More undocumented behavior here: