An otherwise insightful (but somewhat crass) comment seems to have been immediately [dead] upon being posted, but I think they might be on to something.
Readers: I hope you don't mind me momentarily intervening in the voting process, but I will post the comment below for others who may not have show-dead turned on to see.
EDIT: Even more curious, the majority of this accounts otherwise normal posts seem to be [dead] as well. Is this a result of HN shadowban, or is this outside influence by a very motivated dissenter? Curious what I've stumbled upon here, as there are quite a number of accounts like this I'm noticing lately. 0 minutes, dead.
newaccount2021 [dead] [–]
I think its more basic:
1. the restaurant they used to work at isn't there anymore
2. they moved back in with the parents and stopped giving a shit about the future
3. still living off their unemployment and will go to zero one day, but not today
4. even with a substantial raise, most jobs they qualify for will still leave them impoverished, so whats the point
America's unemployed need deflation more than they need a raise. A 50% drop in housing costs will serve them better than a 15% raise. The number of Americans who would benefit from a substantial deflation rises every day.
There’s a little-used feature on HN that allows one to “vouch” for a flagged comment that is made for these situations.
I use vouch all the time, including several times today, however I've never seen it on a comment, only threads in [new]
Click on the comment’s date. Then you’ll get the option to vouch for it. (Assuming you meet some unknown karma threshold.)