I was a bash sympathizer until a post made the rounds about how, even if you `set -euxo pipefail`, `declare x="$(err)"` will silently eat the return code of the subshell. This applies to `local` too, and tbf is mentioned somewhat offhandedly on some man page, but was the straw that solidified my opinion. There's just no reasonable way that even an experienced user of Bash (ie. the kinds of folks who think that set command has them covered) could be expected to know about this footgun. The solution is to always declare and assign variables separately. Still use it all the time, and I guess "now I know", but, wtf Bash. Safety options are poorly bolted on.

I agree, and that was out of the motivations for https://www.oilshell.org/

It runs your bash scripts but you can also opt into correct error handling. The simple invariant is that it doesn't lose an exit code, and non-zero is fatal by default.

Oil 0.10.0 - Can Unix Shell Error Handling Be Fixed Once and For All?


This took quite awhile, and I became aware of more error handling gotchas than I knew about when starting the project:


e.g. it's impossible in bash to even see the error status of a process sub like diff <(sort left.txt) <(sort OOPS)

If you have bash scripts that you don't want to rewrite, try

1) run them with OSH

2) Add shopt --set oil:upgrade at the top to get the error handling fixes.

Tell me what happens :) https://github.com/oilshell/oil

I spent a long time on that, but the post didn't get read much. I think it's because it takes a lot of bash experience to even understand what the problem is.