Update: Sorry about not providing details on the submission. Here is additional details on what I'm looking for I'm asking language/framework recommendation for the RESTful API that needs to be fast and secure, so security and performance of the framework is very important.
Feel free to recommend any Go/Rust framework. Also why do you prefer that language?
Both of them are used and exposed publicly by numerous companies, so ootb they good enough for any API. For 99.999% percent of people both are performant enough. Rust will win on memory usage, in some cases significantly, and will win on performance by a smaller margin, but run your own benchmark.
This is an interesting article about why npm uses Rust instead of something else: https://www.infoq.com/news/2019/03/rust-npm-performance/
>performance of the framework is very important
No, its not. Whatever you do with it, will be 100-1000x slower than what framework does. Making decision on something that takes 0.01% of time spend on request handling makes no sense. Optimize your code and data sources, don't worry about framework,
> Also why do you prefer that language?
Tons of modern features. Algebraic data types (this eliminates null-pointer errors completely, which you can't say about Go), generics, borrow checker, pattern matching, macros, general focus on correctness of your code. All of that composes nicely and allows to produce correct and readable code.