A shame they picked nginx in the first place, it has all the stats and critical features behind the paid edition. HAProxy is always a better choice for load balancing.

Besides that, it looks like the move was significantly driven by GRPC and profobuf. No surprise here, GRPC really doesn't work well over HTTP. Once a company start using the google stack, they have to move to more of the google stack to make it usable.

Our technology stack is very gRPC friendly, so developer experience is actually better with it, than without (though this is very subjective.)

As for the middleboxes, using gRPC-WEB[1] allowed us to switch Desktop Client App to gRPC even behind firewalls/IDSes that do not speak HTTP/2 yet.

As for the HAProxy, Dropbox used to use (circa 2013) it specifically for loadbalancing, but we eventually replaced it with our Golang proxy. That said, recent HAProxy improvements (v2.0+) make it quite an awesome dataplane and an excellent loadbalancer!

[1] https://github.com/grpc/grpc-web