I feel like instead of pushing for the companies to separate, congress should pass laws mandating [adversarial interoperability](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/10/adversarial-interopera...). Then the data (including the social graph) really would belong to the users, and facebook would have to compete with multiple other “social network clients” that would rapidly emerge. Facebook would lose some monopoly profits, but in the long-run they might even make more money - they have a lot of very smart practical engineers (at least based on seeing their approach to writing libraries e.g. react vs angular, pytorch vs tensorflow etc.) So if forced to compete, I think they would do just fine, particularly because I believe that the ecosystem would develop faster in the presence of real, and actually grow the market beyond what it would otherwise be.

I want Facebook to stop tracking me, not enable more of it. Which does this enable?

Stop using their free service and block their Javascript. Don't use apps built with their login framework.

And what about their tracking through a huge chunk of popular websites? Shadow profiles and all kinds of shadey stuff.

Install the uMatrix extension. Blacklist anything from facebook.com and fb.com.

Now their tracking pixels can't see you.

Just in case you weren't aware, uMatrix has been deprecated and will receive no further development, including fixes. It still runs fine now, but it may not in the future.

Thank you! I was not. The GitHub repo has indeed been archived.[1]

Any ideas where to go for similar functionality that will be supported in the future?

[1] https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix