I use DDG as my default search engine, along with NoScript in the browser. Often when I visit a new website, I peruse the (long) list of domains that the site is trying to pull javascripts from.

I keep most of those source sites in UNTRUSTED status (including some of the big names in search/ads/etc). But I've always had DDG in the TRUSTED category because I had only seen its javascript before on the main DDG website.

(Unfortunately NoScript has a limitation that you can't tell it to "only TRUST javascript from example.com when I'm visiting example.com").

But recently I started noticing some websites pulling javascript from DDG (I don't remember which sites).

So now I was wondering if DDG is getting into the tracking business, since they're now having their javascripts load from third party sites.

Obviously this is anecdotal. But does anyone know if they are indeed beginning to track?

> (Unfortunately NoScript has a limitation that you can't tell it to "only TRUST javascript from example.com when I'm visiting example.com").

uMatrix (which I'm using in desktop Firefox) works exactly like this. Plus it allows you to forbid/allow cookies, styles, images, scripts, media, XHR, and iframes separately (for each origin/domain).

Ok I'll set it up sometime soon and give it a try. Thanks.

It's officially deprecated, but it still works.
