As far as I can see this uses RNNoise. If you haven't checked it out yet you should, because it is simply amazing. It is a super effective noise gate / noise removal tool that does not require any configuration whatsoever.

My study mates and I have been using it over the last four months when working from home. It removes the noise of keyboards, seaguls and vacuum cleaners.

It is essentially the same as Nvidia RTX voice except it is much lighter on the system and does not require an Nvidia GPU. In our testing RNNoise performs similarly.

This project looks super cool. It seems to make RNNoise much more accessible. Normally you would have to manually set up the pulseaudio plumbing for this to work.

do you need Linux to run your version? would love to get this running on my Mac.

I have mainly used the built in RNNoise support in Mumble. But you can use and build the VST plugin (This is also what NoiseTorch uses i think). Then use any application that can load VST plugins to pipe your mic through. I have had reasonably good luck with it on Windows with Equalizer APO.