I get paid to write TypeScript, it has come a long way to a relatively enjoyable experience compared to how expressive i feel with Scala. Looking forward to giving Scala 3 a spin to learn whats new
As someone who has spent a lot of time diving deep into Scala (I worked on compiler related semantic tooling for scalameta, worked on a experimental parallelizable Scala compiler, and even have a single commit in this release from almost four years ago LOL), and who more recently has been working with TypeScript, I find this really interesting and agree in some ways.
Scala 2.x already had path-dependent types, which combined with implicits and type inference were technically sufficient to implement versions of of the dependent function types we have now in 3.x. In my opinion, how you did this previously could get really clunky (See e.g. hlist mapping in https://github.com/milessabin/shapeless/blob/8933ddb7af63b8b...). Lots of things that frankly felt like casting magic spells, and there were sometimes fragile and weird bugs especially with how implicits were resolved, see e.g. https://github.com/scala/scala/pull/6139.
The native type-level meta-programming coming in 3.x along with a lot of streamlining of the underlying type system and implicit resolution rules (e.g. https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/pull/5925) could help a lot. This is just one example of a more advanced feature, but there are lots of things like this that changed in Dotty (maybe the most interesting is the DOT calculus that makes a better backbone for the type system). I don't know what tooling for Scala 3.x looks like, but even Intellij's frankly amazing Scala plugin broke down sometimes for 2.x.
After using TypeScript, I just personally enjoyed the experience better. Technically Typescript's type system is equally as powerful as Scala's, but the primitives for expressing more complicated types just seem much easier compared to the path-dependent stuff you would need to do in Scala. I was amazed to find stuff like this https://github.com/aws-amplify/amplify-js/blob/dedd5641dfcfc... in mainstream wide usage. I'm not even sure how you could write these type of transformations as well in any version of Scala. I suppose maybe records work, or in this specific case there are functional patterns that are preferred.
Caveat, I haven't followed Dotty for a couple years now, so I could be missing a lot. Regardless, I have really enjoyed the tooling around Typescript as well as the design. The real-world usage of more complicated dependent types (and there are good uses IMO) have been more fluent and easier to understand, and less dependent on tricky behavior like for implicits. VS Code's tools are really magical, and I hope with some of the amazing underlying work done in Dotty the Scala developer experience could look more like that.
TS is great but lack of pattern matching cripples the language somewhat
Also there has been movement in the user land space with libraries like ts-pattern that make use of new features in typescript 4.x to provide basically the full pattern matching experience: