I tried out vim for a month or so. I did enjoy using it, although I'm not sure if using vim just feels more productive because you press more keys to do the same thing. However multi-cursor editing and cutting whole lines in modern editors is way more conducive to my workflow and eventually stopped using vim.
Do vim users know if there was anything like Select next occurrence in vim? Feature discovery is not one of vims strong suites
EDIT: More specifically by multi-cursor editing I mean selecting multiple occurrences of a word, and then editing in place. For example selecting all occurrences of the word user -> (getUser, setUserId, variable declarations with user) and then replacing them with account. This can be done with vim but is nowhere near as fast, since every change needs to be done one-by-one. Or selecting all the above occurrences, and pasting them somewhere for an interface declaration.
Vim has visual block mode for multi cursor which you can enter with ctrl-v
Yeah that works for selecting contiguous blocks of text. Multi-cursor editing allows for selecting rows that are further apart.
I do wish it was built in (like in vis) though