I use Emacs (with Evil) daily, and despite having tried to move to other editors I'm locked into Emacs. Not so much because of the functionality of Emacs itself but because of plugins...
First, Emacs has the best Vim compatibility I've seen outside of Vim itself. Visual Studio is probably "good enough" for me on this with the vim plugin, but that 5% difference in compatibility makes a difference in practice.
But the largest reason I can't get away from Emacs is Ivy/Counsel. Being able to fuzzy search on the current file or entire project, see results, jump around to each one to see context, make changes to the results in an occur buffer to selectively mass edit search results...all of that I just haven't found a replacement for. Search/replace just doesn't cut it.
So effectively if I move to another editor, my code navigation time increases by 5-10x. Things like better autocomplete might fill that gap, but just even understanding how things go together is so much more difficult when you're fighting with your editor.
Add on other things like org-roam, buffer fuzzy searching in Ivy, fasd tie-in, the customization options, etc, and Emacs is just an amazing experience. There are definitely things I would change, like inline debugging (which I use VS Code for instead), setting up languages and autocomplete, etc. Getting things just right takes a long time for a new language.
Lua as the default configuration language makes things simple to configure as well.
Having said all that...if someone told me [insert-text-editor] had everything I would want I would probably check it out and go home to vim (but I do enjoy learning about new stuff and features).
[0] https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65AVwHZflsU -- demo video
[2] https://github.com/nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim#vim-pickers