This is something I struggle with a lot.

I have deep and meaningful relationships with quite a few friends, but there just seems to be a disconnect in my brain when it comes to reaching out to them. I'll think about them often, but those thoughts rarely convert to action.

I even know that it would be meaningful to them if I reached out and just let them know I was thinking of them to strike up a conversation.

Additionally, I'm terrible about responding to text messages. Perhaps there's some social anxiety when it comes to reading / responding to notifications on social media or texts and that leads to action paralysis.

It's something I'm actively trying to be better about—just wanted to share my own experience when it comes to the digital space and how much more difficult it is to navigate than the real world.

The dynamic nature of a flowing conversation just feels easier to engage with than short-form messaging. Even longer emails with penpals feel far more fulfilling to write and respond to than texts.

Despite all that, I don't really foresee short-form asynchronous messaging going away any time soon. I just need to figure out a way to make that style work for me.

Is there some type of personal, open sourced CRM or something I could spin up at home to solve this? I get these fleeting thoughts that I need to call/text/email someone, then just forget to to it or get distracted.

I'd love to have something that could lump contacts into groups, then have a reminder to contact group A like once a month, group B once a quarter, group C once a year or something.