I keep everything in my life in plaintext, so I've been looking longingly at Org for several years now. There are three things standing in my way, from least to most important:

* I sometimes view on or want to share documents over sites like Github/Gitlab. If I share Markdown or even usually AsciiDoc, then the document is formatted appropriately even for people who are used to Word and rendered HTML. EDIT: Apparently this has changed since I last looked. Good news!

* I often edit from mobile devices, which almost certainly have no support for Org features. EDIT: There are apparently good org-specific editors.

* My desktop editor of choice is not and likely never will be emacs, so even with plugins that support Org it's always a hampered experience relative to what the format claims to offer.

It looks like it does everything I want and more, with all the little helpers you need overtop a plaintext format that's decent enough to read on its own. But I'm not changing my text editor just to use a single different format.

So instead I opt for the worst of all worlds and just use Markdown for everything because it's supported everywhere. It gets me headers, lists, code blocks, and sometimes checkboxes, and the rest I can handle ad-hoc.

EDIT: 5 responses in ~10 minutes, but 0 or neutral upvotes. I knew mentioning an editor preference was a mistake. Yes I have tried emacs for an extended period, yes I respect it, no I am not likely to use it myself.

* GitHub does render .org files just like Markdown!

* I've heard people of people being really happy with Orgzly on Android. I personally run Emacs on my Android phone through Termux. It works really well for me. Other solutions include using a SSH client to connect to a server running Emacs, or simply using GitHub directly on mobile web or their app if your notes are on GitHub.

* I've made the switch from Vim to Emacs (+ evil-mode) because of org-mode and have been extremely happy with it. It truly changed my life.

I've built an org mode editor that connects to git repo and works form the browser, it looks like this: https://demo.filestash.app/login?next=/view/org/emacs.org#ty...

Pages can be exported in a wiki that is rendered dynamically by emacs like this: https://demo.filestash.app/api/export/hn/text/html/emacs.org or if you prefer pdf: https://demo.filestash.app/api/export/hn/application/pdf/ema...

The code is on github: https://github.com/mickael-kerjean/filestash