I have a bad feeling about this. Discord essentially does one thing really well. I don't want to see it go down the way of so many chat platforms trying to be everything and becoming a bloated mess.

Recently, they replaced the fun, gamery loading messages with something more "formal". Now it does it's one thing slightly less well. The first of many casualties, no doubt.

It makes me despair of business models which require growth to be chased at all costs. I wish more businesses could be content to just get to the point where they are making money, and then just keep making that much money and being ok with that.

> Recently, they replaced the fun, gamery loading messages with something more "formal". Now it does it's one thing slightly less well. The first of many casualties, no doubt.

This is funny because my impression was that Discord users by and large hated those messages.

You must know a lot of people who take themselves too seriously.

Funny is relative. Personally, there was nothing humorous about those messages. I know they were trying to be funny, but it was about as funny as knock knock, who’s there?, banana!

I like humor. Humor that, you know, is funny.

On my open source project (https://github.com/mickael-kerjean/filestash), there's a nyan cat that move around whenever the app takes more than 1s to load. I had quite a few companies contacting me to get rid of it

To see the nyan cat moving around your screen, you got to throttle the bandwidth: https://demo.filestash.app/