Super excited for your project. I have been using map tiles from Mapbox, MapTiler, OSM Buildings for my project and am coming to the point that I need to merge elevation data with building height data in order to cast realistic shadows across the earth. Unfortunately elevation data and building data come from two different tile sets from two different tile providers and it's a lot of download/processing overhead to merge the two data sources. I need to make my own tiles!

I spent part of today on the OSM wiki trying to wrap my head around Mapnik, how tiles are generated, how I am going to host this cheaply because my project is non-commercial, and then the HN gods smiled on me. Thank you for taking this on and I'm coming along for this journey!

If you need to create your own tiles, I'm not sure how this changes anything. I can't seem to find how one would go about generating one's own tiles for this platform in their documentation. Did you find something to that effect in it?

Author here. You should be able to first download OpenStreetMap tiles in PMTiles format ( and then write out a new augmented tileset in the same format. It's a use case I want to have first-class support for, but the tooling doesn't exist yet.

> You should be able to first download OpenStreetMap tiles in PMTiles format

To elabore on my comment, I was more wondering about how I generate those tiles from non-tiled raw PBF country extracts on Geofabrik.

The tile generation from PBF (actually OSMX) is not one of the parts that is open source; for that task I would look at or