This looks so nice, and I've been desperate for years for a great, fast-refreshing e-ink device and/or monitor, but the closed ecosystem is so disappointing. Their 'avoid distractions' marketing is fine and good, but locking down the device makes it a non-starter for me. At the very least I'd need a feed reader I can use (without some workaround where I send stuff through the "remarkable cloud").

Am I reading things correctly that the only external interface to the device is through their cloud tool?

The top comment suggests the device is open:

Oh nice, very glad to be wrong! I'll have to do some closer reading.

There's a fairly healthy dev community around it too fwiw, e.g. a bunch of linked projects here:

e-reader app ports, screen mirroring, full OS replacements, etc. It's a relatively niche device so of course there are significant gaps in what's available, but it's active and the depth is fairly impressive.