> That owning a certain piece of software automatically makes you economically buoyant?

The point they were making wasn't about the software's objective cost but it's subjective one compared to the ~$500 pdf reader and not taking device which can't really be called a necessity. You're being obstinate.

I knew what his point was. I meant to say "hardware" instead of "software".

>>If you own a ReMarkable, it's not.

>No, it is. I decide what's affordable or acceptable for me. In any case, are you really implying that one's economic situation is invariable? That owning a certain piece of hardware automatically makes you economically buoyant? Too many wrong presuppositions. On top of that, I find it expensive based on other factors, especially it being "something that you can do by yourself with just a bit more effort."

I'll reproduce the comment here. It's incredible it's been flagged. But, well, that's HN for you: lots of aggressive comments full of fallacies, censorship through downvotes and flagging, and almost no arguments, only ferocious defenses of firm personal ideologies.

The "author" is in his right to put a price tag on an OS--or on anything that he so desires--that is in any case heavily incompatible with the device it's been ported to, but that will make it more difficult for others to make it actually useful through improving on it and adapting it to the ReMarkable--which has a good hobbyist community behind it that puts out very good software (https://github.com/reHackable/awesome-reMarkable) for free, even when it's usually much more thought out and vastly more useful than that Parabola port. I would've put it out for free and accepted voluntary donations, as I always do, but that's me.