It amazed me that after almost 3 decades we still don't have "the way" to take notes on computer.

Evernote came close to it for me before they mess their UI. Native Notes on iOS and on Mac is pretty straightforward but misses search features and is.. ugly. Ending up with several .txt files a little like OP organized in folders is also nice as it should survived most of potential future changes in term of everything and allows you to whichever editor but seems inefficient.

The issue is how you define what a note even is. Some people say it’s just plain text; some demand support for images; some want to attach arbitrary files; some want rich text/markup, and some demand markdown specifically while others don’t care about the underlying format; some want simple tables, while others want full databases in their notes; some want to organize with folder and tags, while some just want tags, while some just want folders, while some want notes to live inside other notes.

With so many definitions of what a “note” is even supposed to be, it’s no surprise that we haven’t settled on a single way to create and edit them.

Totally true. I've ended up a mix between ReMarkable 2 e-ink tablet for meetings notes, Apple Notes for things like grocery lists, and regular folders on a cloud for long term archiving and references.

OT, but I've had a MobiScribe e-Ink tablet for almost a couple of years now, I use it daily for notes and diagrams, fantastic tool, but that ReMarkable 2 e-ink tablet looks worthy of a closer look, Thanks!

Oops, just checked, mine has a backlight, and the ReMarkable is even more Closed than my MobiScribe, fail.

I'm not sure what you mean by

> the ReMarkable is even more Closed than my MobiScribe, fail.

The ReMarkable is comparatively very hackable and open, see for example It doesn't have a backlight though, that's true.