Man I love e-ink devices so much. My Onyx Boox Note Air is one of the nicest and useful devices I have ever owned. I absolutely love it and their open platform. (I even ditched my Kindle oasis for the Poke3)

I always regarded e-ink as a soon-to-be (or already) obsolete technology and while that might still be true, I absolutely love it for reading and writing. There is currently nothing better.

Open? In what universe? They are blatant GPL violators:

Open because it runs Android and I can install any apps I want and even root the thing if I wanted to. (And by default it runs without google play services)

Compare this to the Remarkable who probably does not violate the GPL but whose software platform does not allow me to simply add more functionality.

Good example of “practically open” to “technically in the GNU sense ... bla bla bla”.

> whose software platform does not allow me to simply add more functionality