Just to add a thought: really what I would like to have is a language that has native support for SQL. (I mean, I also want a better alternative to SQL, but the post author is right that it is the standard we currently have and it will not disappear or be replaced soon)

That sounds absurd, but my dream would be to write Go (just my personal favorite), then whenever I want to interact with the DB I can directly write actual SQL, not as a string, but as an actual valid expression. I have zero idea how that would work in practice but that’s the dev experience I would love to have. SQL as a DSL, written in my go file, without the need to change context, with syntax highlighting, type check, linting, etc.

Instead of having SQL as a second-class language it could be first class and that would be fantastic.

Not that something like this will ever happen, I’m well aware that standard SQL isn’t an actual thing in the real world and all the other issues around that idea, but I would LOVE this!

SQLC could be a good fit. It generates type-safe Go code from SQL.
