> I just want my SQL back. It's a language everyone understands, it's been around since the seventies, and it's reasonably standardized. It's easy to read, and can be used by anyone, from business people to engineers.

I rely a lot on SQL and in general advocate for it, but that’s too simplistic of a view IMHO. SQL makes it easy to write and read simple queries, and ridiculously complicated and arcane to write slightly more complex logic.

More than once I’ve been asked to help fix giant SQL queries written by a business or analytics team and that’s a terrible experience.

Also, the tooling around SQL is often terrible and almost didn’t evolve during the past 15+ years. SQL queries from another programming language without an ORM means that you do everything by manipulating strings by hand, with zero type safety.

Edit: My favorite library in Go is reform, a generator that generates types and implement the Scanner/Valuer interfaces. You annotate your structs, generate the types, add the generates files to git, done. That way you have very limited ORM magic but gain some type safety. And you still have complete control over your SQL queries (which is often frustrating to do with classic ORMs).


Edit 2: the most promising ORM I’ve seen is Prisma, https://www.prisma.io/. I haven’t tried yet, I’m still quite attached to writing most of my SQL by hand because that’s what I know well, but their pitch seems good to me.

You might like the approach I took with pggen[1] which was inspired by sqlc[2]. You write a SQL query in regular SQL and the tool generates a type-safe Go querier struct with a method for each query.

The primary benefit of pggen and sqlc is that you don't need a different query model; it's just SQL and the tools automate the mapping between database rows and Go structs.

[1]: https://github.com/jschaf/pggen

[2]: https://github.com/kyleconroy/sqlc