I love Go.

It's the new Java, but fewer batteries included, and very easy to learn. I spent a day going over https://gobyexample.com/ and became productive the next day. I tried to do the same with Rust, but I failed. Nobody was able to succinctly explain all the things you have to learn to become productive with Rust, let alone understand anyone else's code, since there are too many different ways of doing the same shit.

I fear generics will make Go go in a worse direction, but I'm not losing sleep over it.

I would even go as far as to say Go is the fastest way to land a $100K/yr job with zero knowledge about programming and still be able to live with yourself (unlike with the JavaScript/npm oligopoly).

Solid Go'ers eschew huge dependencies and prefer classic Unix KISS philosophies. It's a breath of fresh air. And like the performance figures show, your apps magically get slightly faster over the years!

Life is short, use Go.

Go is probably most productive language I'd use for CLI tools and quick server stuff. There are libraries for most things you need, often better documented than python counterparts. Single binary and good tooling.

Now, one may hate something about the language but at the end we bite the bullet and get things done.

That said, Go doesn't have a great ecosystem for website backend dev. You can do it, but often less convenient.

When you say website backend dev. What can be improved?

Typesafe SQL, typesafe template (or just useful template, not the ones in the stdlib which sucks tremendously), model metaprogramming, etc...

FWIW for SQL, sqlc[1] is probably the nicest SQL layer I've used in any language.

[1] https://github.com/kyleconroy/sqlc