So many frameworks in other languages are trying to get to the productivity of Rails but they just don't have the same spark imo.

There is no Rails equivalent in JS, theres lots of competitors that feel years away like SailsJS, the new Deno Fresh one etc, Adonisjs... Is NextJS/SvelteKit/RemixRun considered also? I don't even know if they have a standardised background job processor in JS land.

Java's solutions are dreadful imo for if you want to compare to Rails. Quarkus/SpringBoot/Micronaut are nowhere near productivity levels for a fullstack app. They lean heavily on the API only side of things. (I do like Java oddly enough)

PHP is the main competitor to Rails oddly enough, Laravel seems brilliant.

Go is just starting up in this space it looks like, Bud is another attempt at Rails in another language However the Go ecosystem is heavily API only side of things instead of SSR. Go's templating libs suck imo.

Elixir of course has Phoneix which is apparently great, purely functional langs unfortunately dont fit my head and feel to abstract for myself (don't hate me)

Its no wonder we have the backend / frontend developer split nowadays.

Building a "Rails-like" framework in Go is honestly totally antithetical to the "Go way" of doing things.

Rails has a ton of magic, implicit behaviours, monkey patching, ERB, and so on.

Go is a touch below Java verbose, explicit, no magic, every function call can be very easily traced without having to do meta programming and code generation in your head to understand what's going on.

In my 8 years of writing Go, I would liken it the most to C, where you had to spell everything out, except without the manual memory management and the macro preprocessor.

Doing magic with Go via reflection or other implicit behaviours is generally annoying to deal with. One example is some libraries using struct tags, most of the time they work as expected, but sometimes you get some weird failure and these kinds of implicit behaviours are the culprit.

Overall, I don't rate these "all in one" frameworks highly in Go. The standard library is excellent for most applications, you only need to add some code to remove some boilerplate. For most apps that I have worked on in Go that involved web components, we maybe had to import e.g a websockets library or a more elegant routing library, but that's pretty much it.

Go needs a better ORM story, it is unfortunate Prisma abandoned their Go port.

As the post you're replying to describes, magic is antithetical to Go idioms. An ORM is basically database-as-magic, every ORM in Go is just a nightmare.

Something like sqlc[0] is leagues better than any ORM in terms of simplicity, complexity and maintainability.
