Gonna be unfortunate when they find out they've made HTTPS illegal indirectly by banning encryption!

It really is amazing to see how often one part of the government will actively sabotage the goals of other agencies.

I don't believe they are making encryption illegal. Rather, they would likely require any org doing TLS for them to provide lawful intercept, logging, audit and compliance. If a government org is managing their own network stack, then requiring TLS would be a non issue as they can provide their audit orgs with all the data they want, as they likely do today. From all the bills I have read, there is nothing that makes encryption illegal. They want the ability to access data from the servers after it has been decrypted. This includes a way to intercept what users perceive to be end-to-end encryption.

The only problem I have run into with various government orgs is the lack of knowledge around implementing intermediate certificates. They will often try to talk people into installing their certs rather than installing intermediate certs correctly. I always point them to testssl.sh [1]

[1] - https://github.com/drwetter/testssl.sh