Big fan of Podman.

Technically every time I have tried to push it into my production workflow I've hit some snags, mostly around networking and some volume stuff but those snags are getting chipped away each release. The last time I did a strong test flight was around 3.X, so probably about time to try again, 4.0 was a big release.

I like the integration with systemd and bringing "pods" out of k8. I like the "they're just processes" philosophical perspective and more "linux tech" focus of the team - i.e. cgroups v2 exists, lets use it. I would like to see some minor UI stuff such as compressing buildah stage output like docker buildx does but it's understandable why that isn't there (yet?).

I think my only remaining quibble is getting true remote addresses when using rootless networking.

You can use podman with buildkit, it's just kind of a pain because you have to do it manually. It is missing some nice to have feature integrations with buildkit. The instructions are fairly clear: