The examples uses Clojure as the language for defining the HTML. I've also seen Common Lisp examples (such as in Practical Common Lisp, that use CL for the same purpose. In frameworks built for other languages, it is most common to have a separate template language for defining the HTML.

It seems much easier to use the same language when using a Lisp dialect compared to for instance Java, which would be a lot more verbose, but it is also done this way to separate logic from presentation, and because it's (supposedly) easier for front-end developers. Coming from non-CL frameworks, it was natural for me to choose a template framework for my small (and now outdated) tutorial on writing a blog in CL (

However, I'm wondering if anyone has any experience developing web applications using a Lisp-dialect for generating the HTML (as Noire and the example in Practical Common Lisp), and if this is scalable to a team where front-end developers might not be used to or familiar with Lisp.

The syntax seems easy on the eyes, so perhaps it's not such a big problem once they get over the unfamiliarity.

That will depend very much upon your HTML developers. Some will be able to do it, a large number will not.

Even when using simple template languages I have experienced the I didn't understand those funny bits in the HTML so I have removed them far too many times.

In Clojure, Enlive ( is a better solution because the HTML remains as HTML.